Monday, January 23, 2017

Nebraska LB595 - Letter to my Senator
LB 595: Provide for the use of physical force or physical restraint or removal from a class in response to student behavior

Greetings, Senator X,

I'm writing in regards to the recently introduced LB 595 that would allow Nebraska teachers to use physical force to stop unruly students. I see you are on the Education Committee with Senator Groene who introduced the bill.

I don't have children in school, but have nephews enrolled in schools in Omaha. I conferred with several teacher friends for a bit of background to judge my initial reactions to the bill as I read it in the Omaha World Herald article, and then further with the actual bill.

I'm told currently if a student misbehaves, the teacher has to take the rest of the students out of the classroom. I can see how this could be disruptive to the learning environment and inspire some sort of legislation to allow teachers more options.

However, from what I learned from friends in education, physical holds to restrain violent people require special training and two people to perform the hold. I also learned that many schools are understaffed and do not have extra aides in the room, however needed they may be. I'm also told students of color are disciplined disproportionately.

I fear an already-violent student would not respond well to physical interaction and more harm could occur. It seems like it would escalate the situation when the goal is to deescalate. And that additional injuries could occur for students and/or teacher which would bring about more concerns for liability.

I'm also nervous about the lines in the bill that say teachers are free from legal or administrative action and any such physical interaction wouldn't be deemed 'corporal punishment'. Especially when reading the example of the teacher from North Platte who dragged a third grader by the ankles 93 feet down a hallway, there are times when teachers can act excessively and SHOULD undergo examination specific to the incident.

I believe more elaboration is needed in this bill to make it more effective and fair. IF teachers are allowed to use physical force, and it gets out of hand, they should expect to answer for it the same as anyone else. They should definitely receive special training to ensure their safety and that of the students. I do not envision a person of my small stature being effective in a physical altercation and do not think we should expect teachers to do so. I understand this bill is about letting them have the option without worrying about ramifications. We just need to ensure it's not a free-for-all and that excessive force is penalized as needed to keep everyone safe. The bill seems too open-ended as it was introduced.

On a somewhat related note, I'm not sure if meditation and mindfulness has been introduced into Nebraska schools, but I do know of several instances in which it has helped reduce violence in large schools in our country, such as in Baltimore. Kiran Bedi of the Indian Police implemented it years ago in the worst prison with great results. I watched a great documentary about it a few years ago: Doing Time, Doing Vipassana.

I offer my concerns as a member of your district in hopes that we create safe, effective bills that take a look at possible ramifications.

Thank you!

Day 4: Dear Melania

Her face in this video makes me so sad. From this and the video of him not waiting for her when they walked up the stairs to meet the Obamas and a few other things like their awkward first dance (and how he talks about women).... I feel she realizes she hitched her wagon to the wrong horse's ass.

Dear Melania,
I don’t know you, but you deserve to be treated better than this. You deserve happiness. Money isn't everything. Publicity isn’t everything. I hope you have courage to follow your bliss.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Day 3: The Dust Settling - In Your Eye

I didn't know what to write this morning, so I went about my day. Listened to 2.5 hours of NPR during my drive, chatted with a dear friend, and that helped me formulate a few thoughts:

I'm just gonna say it.

To those who made a protest vote during the election, I'm glad you like protesting because that's what we'll be doing a LOT of for the next two to four years.

So I'm glad you showed up yesterday, because you better damn well show up every day.

I know not everyone felt included in those marches. I specifically heard about non-white women, both before and after. The concept that there were no scuffles with the cops because white women aren't threatening. The cry that "Where were you white women during Black Lives Matter?".

I know some women feel they've been fighting forever. We all have to wake up sometime and be the new wave. But we have to listen to the others who have been there. We can't discount each other. We can't think we are the first. We are not the first and we won't be the last.

We have to allow for ALL voices. Every day. Not just some days. Not just when you feel comfortable. Not just when it fits your agenda.

So, let us not think that our well-spoken fiery Senators who ask the hard questions in the hearings for ill-equipped appointees will do the job for us. That's why we thought we had it in the bag. That's why we lost.

We have to do our research and speak up to our representatives, locally, state-wide, and nationwide. Make your voice heard. The moment we get complacent and think "I have so much on my plate" is the moment that it slips from our hands. They're counting on that. Keep up the fight. Listen to all the voices. Including and especially ones you don't agree with (on both sides of the fight). LISTEN. UNDERSTAND. LEARN. EDUCATE. And if you can't handle it, just vacate a bit for your mental health, recharge with your crew, and come back when you are ready. I get that. But do not stagnate. Create. Love.


A Scared White Girl who probably wouldn't have gone to a rally even if she WAS near one because after watching BLM rallies, she's afraid of power-hungry cops, people with guns who have ignorance on the trigger, and people who use cars to mow people down. Yup, fear keeps me from crowds a lot of times... glad for the brave souls with hilarious signs that pounded the earth yesterday.... let's keep on in our many ways.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Day 2: Letter to the Resistance on the Morning After.

Today is the Morning After. Women will march across the nation to be demand we keep our rights in the face of someone who has displayed mistreatment of women.

Dear Marching Women of the Nation,
Thank you for continuing the fight of our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, neighbors, teachers before us. Our strength is multi-faceted as we support each other. Stay safe and continue the fight every day.

Dear Marching Men of the Nation,
Thank you for your support of the rights of your sisters, wives, daughters, and friends. We need your voices too.

Dear Those Marching in Solidarity,
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Dear #NotMyPresident,
Hear our voices. You work for us. We are part of this Nation which you say you will make great. You can't do it without us.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Inaugeration Day - One-Two Punch

Born into organized religion, I'm simply spiritual now. Social justice, volunteering, empathy for others are some of the takeaways. They say prayer is a powerful thing. Well, I've heard prayer without action doesn't bring about shit... internet search says the bible verse is something like "Faith without acts is dead"... okay, so here is a new blog related to both, meant to get us through the next four years and beyond.

I didn't vote for this individual taking office. I disagree with pretty much everything he's said and done and believe he has some real psychological/sociological issues. I believe everyone he has appointed is unfit for the position to the level of being the worst candidate, which is fitting.

I'm going to write letters to elected officials, and post them in this blog for others to copy and paste, edit as necessary. I'm also going to create secular prayers that we can send up to the Universe in hopes of creating a one-two punch. Feel free to do both in the comments and share.

Dear Universe,
Today an unfit leader is taking charge of a nation. Please help him understand the gravity of what he is taking on. Please help diminish his ego so that responsibility can set in. Please help him understand that he must step outside himself to serve others. Please open his eyes and his heart so that he can accomplish good things and surprise us all. MAKE IT SO.