Monday, December 28, 2020


As your constituent, I demand you vote in favor of the bill that will give covid relief to Americans in the form of $2000/month, administered to take into account all months that the pandemic has been affecting us since the previous stimulus check in April 2020. The American people, including Nebraskans, are facing a crisis that you're not financially feeling due to your uninterrupted pay and health insurance provided to you by "we the people". 

Smaller countries like New Zealand have been providing $600/person EVERY WEEK since the start of the pandemic. For the "richest" country in the world to not do the same is absolutely pathetic, disgusting, and cruel. I accept zero excuses of 'we can't pay for it' because our "defense" fund doesn't need to be more than the next 7 countries combined. The American people need defense from the economic disaster that is related to the pandemic. 

I hope that you have enough morals and ethics to provide this much needed relief to the people of this country and I await your vote in favor of $2000/person/month (including retroactively). 


Sunday, November 8, 2020

To Unicameral State Senator: Make Medical Marijuana Legal in Nebraska in January

Greetings, Senator X, 

I have heard that in January, you will be introduced to a bill legalizing Medical Marijuana in Nebraska. I plead that you vote to make medical marijuana legal in Nebraska. 

This issue is important to me because I have a close friend with a radical neurological disease who was told she needs access to medical marijuana or she should move out of Nebraska so she can partake. Another alternative that doesn't comfort her or others is highly addictive opioids. 

While learning of the variety of people that could benefit from medical marijuana, as you can do on the Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana site, one must be touched by their stories: children facing seizures, people with cancer, and those like my friend with awful painful diseases. I think that compassion is needed and that medical marijuana can be safely produced to be a medical relief to so many people. 

This summer, during the last week of the petition to get the issue before Nebraskans on the ballot, I drove from X to Lincoln to pick up petition sheets. I had wanted to sign and hoped someone would come near enough to me so I could sign. But as I discovered, I was the someone I was waiting for.

Since you represent the people in my area, I think you will be interested to know the passion and interest that drove people to sign the petition, often times surprising me. 

Of course, since there is a pandemic going on, I made sure to wear a mask and at times, like at a dentist's office in X, I would stand outside and every single person in that building came out to sign. One women even called her daughter, a nurse, to drive into town to sign and she did so happily, noting how much we needed it. 

At the grocery store in X, I asked a person at the check-out if I could be in the store, or they'd like to sign. From behind me, I heard two voices insisting they wanted to sign. I hadn't even known they were there. Without prying, it looked to me as if those people had physical difficulties, perhaps MS or something that would have made them candidates for the relief medical marijuana offers.

I walked into an auto parts store in X, thinking I'd probably get shooed out by the two men there. Quite the opposite. The older, in his 50s maybe, said "I wish this had been around two years ago". His wife had died of cancer and could have used medical marijuana to alleviate her pain and suffering. His co-worker gladly signed and said he'd register to vote so the signature would be valid.

In my town of X, I had husband and in-laws and neighbors gladly sign, saying they don't want others to suffer. Every one at the bank signed and the bank manager said his daughter had done a school presentation on it and it sounded like a great thing to help people. He even allowed me to come to his home, so his daughter and wife could sign, as well as his son, who we encouraged to register to vote for his first election. 

Also in X, I had a couple come outside to sign safely. The man said "I'll sign for all the good it'll do me; it probably won't help me in time. I have terminal cancer." 

There were so many instances where people mentioned they were in pain or knew someone who would benefit from medical marijuana or that they figured if it helped somebody, it was a good thing to do. 

From Wednesday afternoon to Monday morning when I had to mail back the petition sheets, I collected nearly 70 signatures! I received 62 signatures from people in X county, 3 in X, 1 in X, 2 in Xand 1 in X. I visited X, X, and X, and interacted with people I wouldn't have otherwise (especially during a pandemic). 

I got a sense that people in Nebraska don't see this as a partisan issue. They see this as a health issue. They want Nebraskans to have the option to safely and legally use medical marijuana for their betterment. We never know when we will need it.

I only participated for less than a week, but I was filled with a sense that it was possible for enough people in Nebraska to say 'We want to see this on the ballot'. AND THEY DID. Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana was able to get 182,000 signatures, 110% of the required signatures, and people from ALL 93 COUNTIES! It was amazing and exciting, because I wasn't sure we had the numbers, even that week!

But then came a challenge - and whew - passed because the Sec of State said 'okay'. 

And then, what I consider an example of deceit and corruption that is present in Nebraska. A lawsuit saying that the wording of 'medical marijuana should be legal and the legislature will figure out details'... violated the 'single issue' concept. HOW? Is it so strange to say that if something is legal, WHO is responsible for the details? 

The Lancaster Sheriff who was part of what amounted to a special interest lawsuit admitted he didn't even know who was paying for the lawsuit. I don't understand why he couldn't just vote on it like everyone else was supposed to do.

And the Nebraska Supreme Court let us down big time by an improper siding with the lawsuit 5-2. Why didn't they raise an issue when they approved the petition before it circulated? Who got to them?

I view this as an example of dark money and special interests blocking progress and health care. It infuriates me. There are likely groups in the state who benefit from health insurance and pharmaceuticals who saw medical marijuana as a challenge to their pocketbooks. Because of them, Nebraskans did NOT get a chance to make their voice heard. Our voice, in the form of a constitutional petition, was stolen from us. We could have been among the states that just voted to legalize marijuana, if only for medical use. We could have been working on bettering the lives of people who are in pain before they die. But there are people promoting their own interests above those they are to serve. That is abhorrent to me. 

You, Senator X, have a chance to help these people, to listen to the people in our area who were so willing to sign. You have a chance to help my friend, my neighbors, your family and friends, your neighbors. I implore you, vote to make Medical Marijuana legal in Nebraska. Because if you do, and if you speak to your fellow senators about this and alert them it's in the best interest for those suffering in Nebraska, you can provide hope and change and relief to people you represent.

Please, don't make me go back out to get signatures again! LOL. I've already signed up to do it, but am waiting and hoping that you and other senators use compassion and do the correct thing and make Medical Marijuana legal and accessible for Nebraskans.




X, thank you for the email, I can feel your passion. I agree that Nebraskan's should have been allowed to vote on the issue and I personally believe it would have passed. Unfortunately the petition got tossed on a technicality by the courts, one of two things must happen now. First the petitioners can start collecting signatures on a new petition that will be on the ballot two years from now (which is already happening). Second the legislature can pass a medical marijuania bill that the Governor can sign into law. I know Senator Wishart had a very good bill LB 110 that got filibustered in 2019, I will be talking to her this week to see if she is going to reintroduce it in 2021, you can also contact her office and ask them what they plan to do. You should be encouraged that our neighboring state of South Dakota passed a Medical Marijuana bill. I believe we can do this in the legislature if we write a tight well regulated bill, and if we fail, then the people will have the right to petition to put it on the ballot in 2022. Stay safe and I think it is great that you took the initiative to collect signatures in x County, it shows that you are a person that is willing to get involved to make a change.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Letter to Nebraska Supreme Court Judges re: Incorrect Ruling on Medical Marijuana Petition

Context: Nebraska had successfully petitioned to get Medical Marijuana on the November Ballot but was shut down by the Supreme Court due to a lawsuit from a sheriff and special interest groups. 

It was tempting to use the Woodstock stamps on these letters about Medical Marijuana ;)
NOTE: It was tempting to use the Woodstock stamps on these letters about Medical Marijuana ;) But I went with Earth, because cannabis is of the Earth Man 

Dear Nebraska Supreme Court Judges,

When I gathered signatures for the Medical Marijuana petition in my rural area, I got signatures from many caring people, people who thought that Nebraskans should get a vote, those with chronic pain or knew those who need this, a man with terminal cancer, and another man who surprised me when he said “I wish this was around two years ago” when his wife died from cancer. The people of Nebraska DESERVE the right to vote on this issue.     I’m trying to understand why the Nebraska Supreme Court approved the petition for Medical Marijuana and, after the signature effort proved 110% successful in all 93 counties, the Supreme Court found fault with the wording of the petition and stripped Nebraskans of our constitutional right to change the laws of our state.     In order for medical marijuana to be legal, there has to be a process by which to regulate it. The petition simply said it’s up to the legislature to figure that out. That is all a single issue, therefore I find the ruling incorrect and unacceptable. I don’t know why the special interest groups and sheriff who unfairly sued couldn’t have waited until it was on the ballot and voted like the rest of us were ready to do, except it seems they don’t play by the same rules as everyone else.

    This about-face feels wrong. It feels corrupt. It feels like special interest groups and people in power are denying Nebraskans rights allowed to us in our constitution. It feels like a slap in the face. It feels like a death sentence for those suffering who could have better health with access to this natural medicine. It feels like justice isn’t blind but is looking the other way.

    I don’t know how deep this corruption runs, but I recognize it’s there. And I recognize that the people in power do NOT have the best interests of ALL Nebraskans in mind. And I will continue to do anything within my rights to follow my morals and ethics to care about my fellow human beings and work for a more equitable and just world than we have before us.

To put it lightly, I am very disappointed in the political and judicial systems. To those of you who took this away from us, who stifled our voice, Judges Heavican, Freudenberg, Stacy, Cassel, Funke: what stopped you from doing the right thing? What caused you to rule against the people of Nebraska?     

    To those who dissented and wanted to fulfill the constitutional agreement and the will of the people to have this appear on the ballot, Judge Miller-Lerman and Judge Papik, I THANK YOU.

    I do wish there was something that could be done immediately to restore this measure to the ballot because two years is a long time to ask suffering and dying people to wait until we collectively can be disappointed again by seemingly-corrupt people who don’t play fair. Where is OUR Nebraska? Sincerely, XX Volunteer Petition Gatherer, in honor of a friend in need of Medical Marijuana Z County, NE

updates: Letters Received 9/25 & 9/26

Monday, August 17, 2020

Disgusted at Racist and Anti-Woman Nebraska Governor

Greetings, Governor P. Ricketts, 

I am a citizen of Nebraska and want to express my great disgust and displeasure with the laws you approve or deny. 

Lately you have approved LB 814 which unconstitutionally outlaws a form of abortion that is needed in some cases for late-term abortions (re: children wanted by the mother that cannot safely be born). This leads me to conclude you are anti-woman, anti-science, anti-doctor, and unfairly aligned with your religious base that wants to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. You have endangered many women with this senseless, needless, baseless, unconstitutional law.

Secondly you vetoed LB 1060 which would protect against natural hair discrimination. I read your reasoning and if you believe that hairstyles can easily be changed, you have never sat in a black hair salon. Since you are a bald white man, let me inform you, it takes an entire day and hundreds of dollars to change hairstyles. You mention the creation of a new 'race', which is an absurd idea. You also mention safety protocols around machinery as an excuse for vetoing this bill. There is a difference between safety protocols and being able to fire someone because their hair is too "black" or "unprofessional" (ie racism). If you don't care to protect your citizens from discrimination, you are showing your ignorance and how you keep the door open for racism in the state of Nebraska. 

You also fail to understand basic science and that masks are a simple way Nebraskans could protect each other from a pandemic. You even want to take away financial protections for businesses that want to promote this safety measure. You are indeed anti-science and need to stop believing and protecting the ego-maniac Trump that is running this country into the ground while allowing for the deaths of hundreds of thousand due to his insane methods. For your own lack of action, I hold you responsible for every Nebraskan illness and death due to COVID-19.

Since you don't seem to care about human beings other than white, wealthy, male elites, I look forward to seeing your replaced when your term is up. If you would be so kind as to resign before then, I, and countless Nebraskans you belittle and endanger, would be so pleased. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Follow up to Local NE Senator on Police Oversight bill re Omaha Protestor arrest July 2020

Greetings, X, 

In relation to 'police oversight', I would suppose you are aware that this past weekend peaceful protestors were kettled by Omaha police, and arrested, face masks were apprehended by police and they were placed in close-quarters in overcrowded rooms (Such as 14 person capacity and 40 people in the room without masks.) That shouldn't happen, and especially not during a pandemic. With a growing COVID-19 outbreak at Douglas County Corrections, these 140 protestors were needlessly exposed. 

Requests for air conditioning were laughed at, at least one toilets was overflowing or out of commission, bail was received but not processed for over 30 hours in some cases. 

I'd read several accounts that detail how police were physically brutal, how they tied zip ties too tight (as commented on by other police), and saw video of officers purposely knocking over a cyclist and then shooting rubber bullets for no reason - they shouldn't be shooting AT people because that is improper use. Protestors, who were dispersing before arrest, sat on the pavement for several hours.

I believe I read that police badges were also covered, but cannot be sure. 

THIS is a perfect example of why a citizens police oversight committee is needed. The police could have treated these people with dignity, since they were only exercising their constitutional right to peaceful protest. Citations could have been issued in lieu of needlessly arresting people. It seems like police forces are heavy on the 'force' these days. They need to be held accountable to the people they are paid to protect instead of finding excuses to abuse, coerce, threaten, and intimidate them. 

I urge you to support Senator Wayne's police oversight bill and any forthcoming bills that aim to defund/retrain police, remove qualified immunity and find better ways to address ills than what is being done. If we can't trust police to act with logic and deceny and follow protocol, we have serious issues. I know that didn't occur in your district, but the need for change and improvement is universal. 

Thank you for your time. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Email to my local Nebraska State Senator Re Sen Wayne Bill Police Oversight


Greetings, Senator X, 

I'd like to thank you for voting to allow Senator Wayne to introduce a bill on police oversight. I don't know what your opinions may be so far, but I think it is of utmost importance to support Senator Wayne's bill and create a civilian committee for police oversight. If police are to serve and protect citizens, they need to be held accountable to citizens. 

It's disappointing to see tragedies unfold with officers of the law and then see that they had received multiple complaints against them with no action taken to improve their performance or remove them from a position of great power.

I know people toss around the 'a few bad apples' idea, but the rest of that phrase is "spoils the bunch". I've seen examples of "good cops" trying to be proactive in reporting misdeeds of fellow officers and then being punished or threatened for speaking up.

If a mob mentality exists in our police force, it's time to address it and do everything we can, such as remove qualified immunity so police are responsible and can't hide their aggression behind a badge.

As far as 'defunding', I doubt in the rural area you represent that police budgets are as unbalanced as in larger cities, but we have to take special care to focus on ways to financially support agencies that would alleviate the load set on police.

Again, thank you for voting to allow Sen Wayne's bill to be introduced. I do hope you support what can be a great bridge between officers of the law, and they people they are supposed to protect.

Thank you

Update: My Senator responded:

D, thank you for the email, and thanks for being engaged by watching the legislative process. Senator Wayne will have a hearing next week on the bill, probably thursday or friday, it will be streamed on NET, stay safe

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Letter to NE State Senator in opposition to LB 814 Prohibit dismemberment abortion

July 19, 2020

Greetings, Senator X, 

I hope you received my previous email from June 20 on a variety of stances I hope you'll take on a number of bills when it comes to the fight for black lives. Although I had a lot in there, I hope I formatted it in a way that makes it clear what I find important.

Tonight I'm asking you to oppose LB 814. Medical decisions belong to patients and their doctors. Women already face unnecessary restrictions on their bodily autonomy and politicians need to respect women's decisions about their bodies and let medical professionals advise on the course of action. As a woman who doesn't have and won't have children, issues about abortion, reproductive rights, and women's health care are of utmost importance to me. Each woman has a right to decide what she wants for her life and her body, and it's not the job of politicians or employers to impede that.

Thank you

UPDATE: another email sent
July 29, 2020

Greetings Senator X,

I have been informed that LB 814 will be debated starting today. I again encourage you to vote NO to this bill that restricts women's autonomy.  There is a line that says a woman's husband can sue for the abortion which is disgusting as it is reminiscent of the 1950s when women did not legally have autonomy over their own bodies and reduces women to property.  It is also a violation of the constitutional right that says no one can make a decision about a woman's abortion except for the woman herself. 

With this vote in opposition, we need to officially make it clear in Nebraska that a woman gets to decide her future and stop accepting legislative bills that want to restrict women's freedoms. Someone else's religious ideas do not have precedence over my freedoms and a fetus does not get more rights than the woman who may choose to carry it.

Thank you for your time.


Greetings, Senator X, 

I'm disappointed to see you voted in favor of LB 814, and encourage you to change your vote to oppose or abstain on this anti-abortion anti-choice bill and/or to oppose cloture so that there is no vote. 

Although it sounds gruesome to "dismember a child" there are many cases in which doctors recommend this form of abortion for children that were wanted but cannot safely be born. Women who have late term abortions wanted those children, but it was decided by their MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL AND THE WOMAN that it was not safe to proceed for the sake of the child. Politicians need to stop overstepping their boundaries and endangering women from receiving health care. 

Abortion is a complicated and heated issue, to be sure. I am entirely frustrated to live in a state that continues to protect the religious beliefs of certain people and disregard the lives of others (namely women) in an attempt to say that they are "protecting life". When women are forced into childbirth, her life is not protected. When a woman's options are taken away from her, her life is not protected. 

I saw a clip of Senator Clements musing about the number of children aborted in Nebraska and how they could have provided bodies for the worker shortage. While this may be an idea that appeals to anti-abortion crowd, it's absurd and faulty logic. If Nebraska cared about their residents, WHICH INCLUDES non-white, non-straight, or those that come here as immigrants, that would make moving out-of-state less likely and THAT would help immediately with the "worker shortage". A living wage would help. State health insurance would help. Addressing homelessness would help. Any number of things could help with a "worker shortage" including not seeing people as cogs in a machine to produce services or other humans

I know you are not responsible for what Senator Clements said, but I just wanted to point out how absurd that line of thinking is. That is NOT the logic that should be used in the unicameral to make decisions for the people of Nebraska. 

I know you represent an area that is probably filled with anti-choice people, but you must remember that your votes aren't supposed to appease certain sects of the population at the expense of others, but to ensure that ALL RIGHTS ARE PROTECTED. If a person doesn't want to have an abortion, no one can force them. That is law. But it is time to STOP punishing women with overzealous laws that take away their rights. 

Again, I please ask that you either abstain from a vote on LB 814 or move to oppose it so that women may have their full rights and they can decide on a course of action with their doctor without unwarranted input from politicians or anyone else.

Thank you for your time.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Letter to NE State Senator on ACLU action items in Support of Black Lives

Reference for Nebraskans:

Greetings, Senator X, 

    I hope you and yours are staying safe during the pandemic. I wish Gov Ricketts was a better leader in regards to this disease, and that he was less ... how do I say... worshippy of Trump, who is an unfit leader, to say the least. 

    The past month or so has been gut-wrenching to see the continued danger black and brown people feel at the hands of police. It's so evident, after watching videos of police brutality towards peaceful protesters, elderly, pregnant, children, and journalists that we are in need of MAJOR reform. Our police are militarized and breaking the First Amendment, breaking laws. All that is being asked is that police do NOT brutalize citizens .... and now we see the police essentially demand what they view as a right to do just that.

    I definitely support defunding the police and redistributing those funds to many avenues that can do what the police can't, doing away with qualified immunity so police don't act out knowing they'll never suffer consequences, and banning the use of tear gas, rubber bullets and other projectiles. Tear gas has been banned in warfare, so there is no reason it should be used on civilians.

    I am aware, thanks to the ACLU, that there are some possible NE LB's that may be helpful for me to refer to. Hopefully this list will help you understand where I stand.

  1. SUPPORT LB 924 - Require Anti-Bias Training for Law Enforcement - Although many police who have killed black people have undergone anti-bias training before their murders of civilians, any bit more we can do to require officers of the law to acknowledge their responsibilities towards others is a must.
  2. SUPPORT LB 1060 - Ban Natural Hair Discrimination - By prohibiting hair discrimination in Nebraska, we come closer to ensuring that all Nebraskans of color, but specifically Black Nebraskans, can contribute to their communities and workplaces as their full selves. To begin to confront the long stigma that falsely associates the way a person’s hair naturally grows with a lack of professionalism, we need to state it clearly: this is racial discrimination and it’s illegal.
  3. SUPPORT LB 918 - Establish a Commission on African American Affairs - Nebraska already has the Commission on Indian Affairs and the Latino American Commission. LB 918, introduced by Sen. Wayne, creates a long overdue Commission on African American Affairs and a study of disparities in government contract allocations. The Commission would center African American leadership and issues on the state level to foster consistent racial justice gains in legal, political, social, economic, and educational spheres.
  4. SUPPORT LB 646 - End Cash Bail - LB 646 ends Nebraska’s current system of cash bail that lets the size of an individual’s wallet determine whether they are granted freedom or stay detained, disproportionately impacting Black Nebraskans and low-income households. 
  5. SUPPORT LB 589 - Eliminate a Permanent Police Force in our Schools - A school-based arrest is the quickest route from the classroom to the courthouse and the data is clear that in Nebraska, Black and Brown children and children with disabilities are grossly overrepresented in extreme school discipline - including arrest rates and criminal system involvement due to disciplinary issues in school. The time is right to end these failed programs that are antithetical to an educational environment. We need to reinvest those resources in mental health family support and educational opportunity.
  6. SUPPORT LB 176 - Mandatory Minimum Reform LB 176 gives local judges the discretion to impose an individualized sentence rather than an extreme mandatory minimum term of imprisonment. Mandatory minimums are used by prosecutors to pressure individuals into guilty pleas. Prosecutors often threaten mandatory minimums when the case against the defendant is weak or when police violated the citizen’s rights to garner the evidence. Often, Black defendants being held on an unreasonably high cash bail amount must choose between “pleading out” and going home or facing the prospect of an unjust mandatory minimum sentence if they exercise their rights. These extreme sentencing tools increase the likelihood of wrongful convictions and eliminate the judge’s discretion to impose a more just sentence. 
  7. SUPPORT LB 1170 - Implicit Bias Training for Healthcare Workers - Across the nation, Black women are three to four times more likely to die during childbirth than white women. LB 1170 ensures more equitable delivery of healthcare in Nebraska by requiring anti-bias training to address the unacceptably high rates of maternal mortality specifically among women of color.
  8. SUPPORT LB 89, LB 110 & LB 652 - Sensible Drug Policy -The failed war on drugs has been a key driver of racial injustice. The ACLU’s new report, “A Tale of Two Countries” shows overall in Nebraska, Black people are 3 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana. Black people were six times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white people in Lancaster and Sarpy Counties and more than eight times more likely in Buffalo and Adams Counties.
  9. SUPPORT LB 83 & LR 286CA - Restore the Right to Vote -Far too many Nebraskans of color have been disenfranchised due to criminal system involvement – both directly by Nebraska law and indirectly by the confusion and chaos surrounding application of this law. LB 83 introduced by Sen. Wayne would remove the arbitrary two year waiting period that prevents people from voting until two years after completing the terms of their sentence. LR 286 CA, introduced by Sen. Cavanugh, is a constitutional amendment to remove nearly all limitations on voting rights based on criminal system involvement. 
  10. SUPPORT LB 986 - Ban the Box in Higher Education -People of color are disproportionately and negatively impacted when college applications ask about criminal system involvement because of unjust overrepresentation at every juncture of our criminal system. LB 986, introduced by Sen. Pansing Brooks, would prevent public colleges and universities from asking about or considering a person’s criminal record for purposes of admission.
  11. SUPPORT LB 44 - Abolish the Death Penalty and Replace with Life in Prison -The death penalty in America is a broken process from start to finish. Death sentences are predicted not by the heinousness of the crime but by the poor quality of the defense of the accused and the race or ethnicity of the accused and the victim. A systemic racial bias in the application of the death penalty exists at both the state and federal level. More and more states are turning away from the death penalty and it’s time Nebraska rejoin that list to address this miscarriage of justice and pursue alternatives that put public safety first.
  12. OPPOSE LB 147 - Physical Restraint in the Classroom - I know I've reached out to you on this one before, but still want to reiterate my opposition. LB 147 allows teachers or administrators to physically restrain students and provides immunity for teachers or administrators when using restraint. This is a key racial justice and disability rights issue. Black children and children with disabilities are grossly overrepresented among children who are physically restrained and who face harsh school discipline sometimes with lifetime consequences. 
  13. SUPPORT - Racial Impact Statements - Nebraska needs to begin to include racial justice impact statements on legislation. An example is LR 217, introduced in 2019 by Sen. Vargas, which would have directed a study to determine the feasibility of these impact statements.

    On a personal note, I'd like to say that despite our rural area and lack of diversity in this district, it's imperative that we, in District XX, in Nebraska and in the whole country, take responsibility for the injustices that exist in a system that is completely unbalanced. It means a lot of uncomfortable conversations and a lot of introspection. I sincerely hope that if you find this difficult, you search out resources about anti-racism and police brutality and reform. I'm currently engaged in reading these books as well to deepen my understanding and find ways I can help bring about change. The time is always right to do what is right. 
    Statues may tumble, and people may not be able to spout hateful rhetoric to others, but it's about time. Our country has never been equitable for all and we hold it in our hands to admit that, fix it, and make it better for EVERYONE.
    I am currently leaving a job (a weekly newspaper based in KS) because a co-worker said she was a proud racist, and dropped the n-word in front of one of our bosses (the publisher of the paper), who did nothing to correct her, but actually added to her racist comments. My heart was pounding and I felt sick. I told her I don't approve of that word (I have black nephews and friends, but one shouldn't have to state that to point out it's wrong) and she used the n-word again. I told her she didn't have to stay a racist, that she could change, and she looked at me like I was crazy. When I left the room, our boss told her that I "take things too seriously". When I emailed the two bosses the next day to lodge an official complaint (small office), one wrote back and said that he would tell her that language isn't allowed, but he also tried to tell me that she isn't really a racist. 
    I cannot stand to be in a hostile work environment which is discriminatory and allows bad behavior. So many other places would fire a racist on the spot instead of defending them. Instead I'm losing a job, and she, who is also on the city council and a mother, and substitute teacher, no less, is not forced to address what she has done. She said she's a proud racist, and that's how she was raised. No doubt, that's how she's raising her children. She proudly stated her 4 year old son called the KS governor a dipshit. So you can imagine what else they learn, and the unfair and unsafe classrooms she will oversee. This is why change and introspection is imperative.
    I understand this occurred in Kansas, but it's just over the border from us here in Nebraska. The environments are so similar. The roots run deep. But they are roots to a poison. 
    I implore you to strongly consider how the above LBs can be utilized to bring about a little more equity in our state. I encourage you to check out books on anti-racism and police defunding so that we can acknowledge the difficult realities and change them for the better.

Thank you for your time.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Email to Chris Janicek - Please withdraw from the Senate Race so Sasse can be defeated

Greetings, Chris Janicek, 

In light of recent events that have proven to be less than upstanding in regards to sexism and racism, however slight or overblown you may find them to be, or even if you think you've progressed, you now find yourself without the support of the Nebraska Democratic Party, as well as many people who, like you, want to see Senator Ben Sasse ousted from office. 

With such an important office and opportunity at stake, it's imperative we have strength in numbers to accomplish this, and we are prepared to rally around a different candidate, Alisha Shelton. But in order to do so, you do need to step down and withdraw from the Senate Race. 

To not withdraw signifies protection of your ego, instead of dedication to the ultimate goal of getting Sen Ben Sasse replaced with a Democrat. To stay in the race means that you are willing for us ALL to lose to promote and protect yourself and your pride, rather than the goal we share, ousting Sasse and getting a Democrat in the Senate for Nebraska. 

We desperately need change, and you know that. I implore you, for the sake of every blue dot in this state, especially me out in rural Trump country, please withdraw from the Senate race so Alisha Shelton can step in and defeat Ben Sasse with full force. 

Thank you

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse's awful graduation commencement video

Context: To Ben Sasse

You have disgraced yourself, Fremont High School, the State of Nebraska and the Office of Nebraska State Senator with your absurd, nonsensical address to the graduating class. It was evident that you took little to no time to put any thought into your message and just threw out a bunch of failed attempts at humor, while insulting so many groups of people, as well as false accusations and tired rhetoric. If anything you proved that money will buy you a political seat, but it cannot buy you class, humility, intelligence, or any bit of respect. I am disgusted that you receive taxpayer money to pull stunts like this. The students and their families, all of us, deserve better than what you presented and I await your dismissal from office and your replacement with someone who represents the intelligence, thoughtfulness, and respectfulness our state deserves.

Feel free to copy my letter and send it to Sasse:

Friday, May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020 Governor Ricketts stop allowing these deaths to occur for money

Again, I write to you, Governor P. Ricketts to tell you that you are responsible for the sicknesses and deaths of every single Nebraskan, especially those connected to the meat packing plants, which you want to keep open, despite the employer's unwillingness to protect their workers AND you want to protect the employers by HIDING THE NUMBERS OF COVID-19.

I do not accept your lies, your corrupt protection of business at the expense of the people of Nebraska, and your unwillingness to do what is right. I do not accept your claim of "pro-life" because these are indeed human lives at stake. DO SOMETHING NOW TO HELP THEM.

I present to you the following post from one of your constituents, a health care worker about a family suffering from COVID-19 as a result of your carelessness and that of the owners of the meat-packing industry.

Post from the health care worker:
"I have a sweet 65yo patient that I purposely did telehealth with last month to keep her home safe. She tells me she is “behaving” and staying home. She tells me her husband, however, continues to work daily at a local meat packing plant. I half-jokingly tell her to tell him he needs to shower, sanitize his hands, and brush his teeth before he kisses her. She giggled. I finished off her visit by telling her take care and stay safe. She responds by saying she will and that she is praying for me during this pandemic.

"This week, while reviewing my incoming paperwork on patients, I see she was taken by squad for shortness of breath and fever. Her oxygen was at 68% at room air. Her chest X-ray showed pneumonia and CoViD-19 was suspected. She was to get admitted.

"Today I see she is now in the CoViD unit on a ventilator. Chest x-ray worse than prior. She was placed face down all night. Her husband apparently was just released from the ICU yesterday from CoViD infection. She is still there.

"Basically, he became infected thru his employer, the meat making plant. He brought it home to his wife. She is now fighting for her life. Alone.

"I tell you this because the meat packing plant workers are “essential” to our economy. However, it is NOT just the workers. Their spouses, their elderly parents, their children AND the whole community and soon the “more affluent” zip codes.

"I am exhausted but I will continue to press and pray for my city and my country and mankind. I pray the death toll won’t be great. I pray for all clinicians and first responders and “essential” workers. I pray for a vaccine. And I pray for my sweet patient. Take care everyone and stay safe!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Governor P. Ricketts re Crete and Grand Island

Governor P. Ricketts,

I am so very disappointed in your performance during this pandemic. Your unwillingness to trust medical experts has put all of us at danger, especially those who work in the meat-packing industry in Crete and Grand Island. Immigrants are human beings, first and foremost, in case you were unaware.

Instead of demanding that large organizations care for the physical well-being of their employees, you have shown your claim to be pro-life is a farce and is not as strong as your desire for profit for you and your friends (Test Nebraska and Nebraska Crossing).

I direct your attention to at least ONE loss suffered during this time as a result of your lack of appropriate action at Smithfield in Crete. See the attached image from Vy Mai, a resident of Nebraska who will no longer see her grandfather because you think Americans will start a riot over meat. Some Americans might, but they are the same ones who spit on nurses and take guns everywhere they go. Those white supremacist terrorists are not my version of American and they shouldn't be yours either.

I do blame you for each Nebraska death since you continue to do little but praise Trump who is unintelligent and also ignores medical experts. A man who ponders the injection of disinfectants during a live press conference is not fit to lead. You are proving the same, over and over again.

Since I know you will do nothing to stop these deaths, acknowledge facts or science, I can only express my disgust and look forward to the day you are ousted from office for a morally conscientious governor who actually intends to keep Nebraskans alive. I would love for you to prove me wrong and take strong and drastic measures to protect us during this pandemic. But I won't hold my breath.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Jan 14, 2020 Senator Deb Fischer opinion about "Hollywood Hypocrites" and carbon footprint

January 14, 2020

Senator Fischer, 

I read your recent January 13, 2020 opinion piece in Agri-Pulse about Hollywood’s choice of meal and the ways in which you called them out “Hollywood Hypocrites” for their carbon footprint. It seems you are pandering to your base and trying to cause division between agriculture and another industry. If they want to eat vegan and wear fancy dresses, they still have less impact on carbon emissions and the environment than does the U.S. Government.

At least you admit climate change is real. 

However, instead of critiquing people for trying to do their small part, you could focus on the ways in which you as a Senator could do a large part, and the ways in which the government makes a hypocrite out of you in your claims to work against climate change that affects us all. 

According to World Beyond War ( )
Carbon Cost The U.S. military is one of the biggest polluters on earth. Since 2001, the U.S. military has emitted 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases, equivalent to the annual emissions of 257 million cars on the road.3 
The U.S. Department of Defense is the largest institutional consumer of oil ($17B/year) in the world, and the largest global landholder with 800 foreign military bases in 80 countries.4 
By one estimate, the U.S. military used 1.2 million barrels of oil in Iraq in just one month of 2008.5 
One military estimate in 2003 was that two-thirds of the U.S. Army’s fuel consumption occurred in vehicles that were delivering fuel to the battlefield.6

Poisoned Water The U.S. military is among the top three largest polluters of U.S. waterways. It dumped 63,335,653 pounds of poison into waterways from 2010-2014, including carcinogenic 
chemicals, rocket fuel, and toxic sewage.7
A Pentagon Report released in 2018 details widespread chemical poisoning of water supplies on military bases and in surrounding communities worldwide.8 The report identifies the presence of PFOS and PFOA chemicals in drinking water at levels known to be harmful to human health and linked to cancer and birth defects. At least 401 bases are known to have contaminated water. PFOA and PFOS chemicals are used in fire retardants during routine fire-training exercises on U.S. military bases worldwide.
The majority of “Superfund” sites in the U.S. are current or former military-related installations, sites designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where extreme hazardous waste threatens human health and the environment.9

Traces Left Behind The most deadly weapons left behind by war are landmines and cluster bombs. A 1993 U.S. State Department report called landmines “perhaps the most toxic and widespread pollution facing mankind.”10 Millions of hectares in Europe, North Africa, and Asia are under interdiction because of tens of millions of landmines and cluster bombs left behind by war.
In Libya, one third of its land mass is considered contaminated by landmines and unexploded munitions from World War II. “Land mines accelerate environmental damage through 1 of 4 mechanisms: fear of mines denies access to abundant natural resources and arable land; populations are forced to move preferentially into marginal and fragile environments in order to avoid minefields; this migration speeds depletion of biological diversity; and landmine explosions disrupt essential soil and water processes.”11

Intentional Damage Compounding the massive ecological footprint of war and ongoing preparations for war, damage to the environment is also a deliberate tactic used in warfare, such as the destruction of forests, farms, and irrigation systems during World War II.
From 1965 to 1971, the U.S. sprayed 3640 km2 of southern Vietnam with dangerous herbicides and defoliants, including the infamous Agent Orange. During the Gulf War, Iraq released 10 million gallons of oil into the Persian Gulf and set 732 oil wells on fire, causing extensive damage to wildlife and poisoning groundwater with oil spills.12
The references and more information can be found here: 

    Knowing that 
  • 54% of the discretionary budget goes to the military (Robert Reich Jan 12, 2020 video “Where Your Tax Dollars Really Go”) 
  • the U.S. is the #1 arms dealer in the world, (multiple sources)
  • and at least 50 members of Congress financially gain from military sales ( Jan 13, 2020 article “The Members of Congress Who Profit From War” 
I think you would best stop putting the blame on Hollywood celebrities and work towards real change starting with the U.S. Government’s War Machine. 



Friday, January 10, 2020

Nebraska LB848 Indigenous Peoples' Day in Nebraska, replacing Columbus Day

Relevant link:

Hello, Senator X, 

I'm writing in support of LB848, introduced by Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks, that would make the second Monday in October of each year be called Indigenous Peoples' Day in Nebraska, replacing Columbus Day. 

It is long overdue to acknowledge that Indigenous peoples were here long before Europeans/Columbus arrived and to honor the Native peoples that inhabit Nebraska. I hope you will support the bill! 

Thank you!
Fellow Nebraskans, find your Senator, feel free to use my text and let them know you support LB848 and hope they do to!
Find your senator:…/senator_find.php 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1/9/2020 Letter to Gov Ricketts about proclamation for prayer to end abortion

Relevant link: January 9th, 2020

Governor Ricketts, 

Your proclamation to create a statewide call to prayer to end abortion is unconstitutional, unnecessary, and unrepresentative of the people of Nebraska.

Article I-4 of the Nebraska Constitution says: 
All persons have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship against his consent, and no preference shall be given by law to any religious society, nor shall any interference with the rights of conscience be permitted

Your promotion of your own religious beliefs over that of others in our state is shameful. There are many who do believe in prayer, but believe in a woman's right to choose. There are others who do not believe in a deity/deities who resent the religious nature in which you govern. Being told by you to pray is an insult to anyone’s convictions. 

The amount of time and energy it takes to create a proclamation such as yours is wasteful to Nebraska taxpayers, and only serves to make your anti-choice lobbyists happy. The lobbying money you receive and the proclamations you make seem to be a violation of Article III-6 about conflict of interest.  

You call Nebraska a pro-life state, but I am pro-choice as are many Nebraskans I know. Each time you and other (male) lawmakers, who do not have medical degrees, make attacks on women’s right to choose with new legislature, you endanger my rights, as created in Article I-1:
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, … and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. 

As a woman, I have a right to decide if/how/when children will be a part of my life. There are a multitude  of reasons that women may choose an abortion and each reason is valid and does not need to be explained to or approved by you or anyone else not medically involved. Women are not served by a blanket law that endangers them and takes away their liberties. When you take away women’s choices for your own moral justification, you are breaking your vow to uphold the Constitution. I don’t expect you to understand what it means to be a woman, but it’d be helpful if you attempted to allow us our liberties guaranteed us by the Constitutions of Nebraska and the United States. 

Being forced to gestate a fetus against my will is a violation of Article 1-2 in which Slavery is prohibited: 
There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in this state, otherwise than for punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. 

Yes, that may sound a bit extreme to relate gestation to slavery (keep in mind that rape and slavery went hand in hand in the antebellum south), but I have no faith in religious-based lawmakers and know they will not stop until they take away all access to abortion, therefore forcing women to birth children they do not want, endangering women and their families. My rights as a human being supersede that of a potential fetus/human that cannot be in my body without my consent. Your religious convictions do not supersede my rights.

I insist that you cease and desist with your religious-based proclamations related to prayer and/or abortion. Please refrain from making proclamations and laws that are unconstitutional, unnecessary, harmful to women and blur the much-needed lines between church and state. 

It’d be swell if you rescind your proclamation and admit that it does infringe on our constitutional rights as Nebraskans. Pretty sure you won’t, but I’m holding you accountable for your frivolous “governing”. And I vote.


A Pro-Choice, Non-Religious Nebraskan,