Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Jan 14, 2020 Senator Deb Fischer opinion about "Hollywood Hypocrites" and carbon footprint

January 14, 2020

Senator Fischer, 

I read your recent January 13, 2020 opinion piece in Agri-Pulse about Hollywood’s choice of meal and the ways in which you called them out “Hollywood Hypocrites” for their carbon footprint. It seems you are pandering to your base and trying to cause division between agriculture and another industry. If they want to eat vegan and wear fancy dresses, they still have less impact on carbon emissions and the environment than does the U.S. Government.

At least you admit climate change is real. 

However, instead of critiquing people for trying to do their small part, you could focus on the ways in which you as a Senator could do a large part, and the ways in which the government makes a hypocrite out of you in your claims to work against climate change that affects us all. 

According to World Beyond War ( https://worldbeyondwar.org/environment/ )
Carbon Cost The U.S. military is one of the biggest polluters on earth. Since 2001, the U.S. military has emitted 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases, equivalent to the annual emissions of 257 million cars on the road.3 
The U.S. Department of Defense is the largest institutional consumer of oil ($17B/year) in the world, and the largest global landholder with 800 foreign military bases in 80 countries.4 
By one estimate, the U.S. military used 1.2 million barrels of oil in Iraq in just one month of 2008.5 
One military estimate in 2003 was that two-thirds of the U.S. Army’s fuel consumption occurred in vehicles that were delivering fuel to the battlefield.6

Poisoned Water The U.S. military is among the top three largest polluters of U.S. waterways. It dumped 63,335,653 pounds of poison into waterways from 2010-2014, including carcinogenic 
chemicals, rocket fuel, and toxic sewage.7
A Pentagon Report released in 2018 details widespread chemical poisoning of water supplies on military bases and in surrounding communities worldwide.8 The report identifies the presence of PFOS and PFOA chemicals in drinking water at levels known to be harmful to human health and linked to cancer and birth defects. At least 401 bases are known to have contaminated water. PFOA and PFOS chemicals are used in fire retardants during routine fire-training exercises on U.S. military bases worldwide.
The majority of “Superfund” sites in the U.S. are current or former military-related installations, sites designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where extreme hazardous waste threatens human health and the environment.9

Traces Left Behind The most deadly weapons left behind by war are landmines and cluster bombs. A 1993 U.S. State Department report called landmines “perhaps the most toxic and widespread pollution facing mankind.”10 Millions of hectares in Europe, North Africa, and Asia are under interdiction because of tens of millions of landmines and cluster bombs left behind by war.
In Libya, one third of its land mass is considered contaminated by landmines and unexploded munitions from World War II. “Land mines accelerate environmental damage through 1 of 4 mechanisms: fear of mines denies access to abundant natural resources and arable land; populations are forced to move preferentially into marginal and fragile environments in order to avoid minefields; this migration speeds depletion of biological diversity; and landmine explosions disrupt essential soil and water processes.”11

Intentional Damage Compounding the massive ecological footprint of war and ongoing preparations for war, damage to the environment is also a deliberate tactic used in warfare, such as the destruction of forests, farms, and irrigation systems during World War II.
From 1965 to 1971, the U.S. sprayed 3640 km2 of southern Vietnam with dangerous herbicides and defoliants, including the infamous Agent Orange. During the Gulf War, Iraq released 10 million gallons of oil into the Persian Gulf and set 732 oil wells on fire, causing extensive damage to wildlife and poisoning groundwater with oil spills.12
The references and more information can be found here: https://worldbeyondwar.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/FactSheet-Environment.pdf 

    Knowing that 
  • 54% of the discretionary budget goes to the military (Robert Reich Jan 12, 2020 video “Where Your Tax Dollars Really Go”) 
  • the U.S. is the #1 arms dealer in the world, (multiple sources)
  • and at least 50 members of Congress financially gain from military sales (realsludge.com Jan 13, 2020 article “The Members of Congress Who Profit From War” 
I think you would best stop putting the blame on Hollywood celebrities and work towards real change starting with the U.S. Government’s War Machine. 



Friday, January 10, 2020

Nebraska LB848 Indigenous Peoples' Day in Nebraska, replacing Columbus Day

Relevant link: https://nebraska.tv/news/local-politics/proposed-bill-would-replace-columbus-day-with-indigenous-peoples-day?fbclid=IwAR03oEejF-Jy4dDuEbhQudh85uLTAdgzVXFpAUy5EuzQ6CvOKMXTEqFriEo

Hello, Senator X, 

I'm writing in support of LB848, introduced by Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks, that would make the second Monday in October of each year be called Indigenous Peoples' Day in Nebraska, replacing Columbus Day. 

It is long overdue to acknowledge that Indigenous peoples were here long before Europeans/Columbus arrived and to honor the Native peoples that inhabit Nebraska. I hope you will support the bill! 

Thank you!
Fellow Nebraskans, find your Senator, feel free to use my text and let them know you support LB848 and hope they do to!
Find your senator: https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/senato…/senator_find.php 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

1/9/2020 Letter to Gov Ricketts about proclamation for prayer to end abortion

Relevant link: https://governor.nebraska.gov/press/gov-ricketts-declares-roe-v-wade-anniversary-statewide-day-prayer-end-abortion January 9th, 2020

Governor Ricketts, 

Your proclamation to create a statewide call to prayer to end abortion is unconstitutional, unnecessary, and unrepresentative of the people of Nebraska.

Article I-4 of the Nebraska Constitution says: 
All persons have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship against his consent, and no preference shall be given by law to any religious society, nor shall any interference with the rights of conscience be permitted

Your promotion of your own religious beliefs over that of others in our state is shameful. There are many who do believe in prayer, but believe in a woman's right to choose. There are others who do not believe in a deity/deities who resent the religious nature in which you govern. Being told by you to pray is an insult to anyone’s convictions. 

The amount of time and energy it takes to create a proclamation such as yours is wasteful to Nebraska taxpayers, and only serves to make your anti-choice lobbyists happy. The lobbying money you receive and the proclamations you make seem to be a violation of Article III-6 about conflict of interest.  

You call Nebraska a pro-life state, but I am pro-choice as are many Nebraskans I know. Each time you and other (male) lawmakers, who do not have medical degrees, make attacks on women’s right to choose with new legislature, you endanger my rights, as created in Article I-1:
All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, … and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof. 

As a woman, I have a right to decide if/how/when children will be a part of my life. There are a multitude  of reasons that women may choose an abortion and each reason is valid and does not need to be explained to or approved by you or anyone else not medically involved. Women are not served by a blanket law that endangers them and takes away their liberties. When you take away women’s choices for your own moral justification, you are breaking your vow to uphold the Constitution. I don’t expect you to understand what it means to be a woman, but it’d be helpful if you attempted to allow us our liberties guaranteed us by the Constitutions of Nebraska and the United States. 

Being forced to gestate a fetus against my will is a violation of Article 1-2 in which Slavery is prohibited: 
There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in this state, otherwise than for punishment of crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. 

Yes, that may sound a bit extreme to relate gestation to slavery (keep in mind that rape and slavery went hand in hand in the antebellum south), but I have no faith in religious-based lawmakers and know they will not stop until they take away all access to abortion, therefore forcing women to birth children they do not want, endangering women and their families. My rights as a human being supersede that of a potential fetus/human that cannot be in my body without my consent. Your religious convictions do not supersede my rights.

I insist that you cease and desist with your religious-based proclamations related to prayer and/or abortion. Please refrain from making proclamations and laws that are unconstitutional, unnecessary, harmful to women and blur the much-needed lines between church and state. 

It’d be swell if you rescind your proclamation and admit that it does infringe on our constitutional rights as Nebraskans. Pretty sure you won’t, but I’m holding you accountable for your frivolous “governing”. And I vote.


A Pro-Choice, Non-Religious Nebraskan,

Letter to Government Officials 1-3-2020 on 15 TOPICS

January 3, 2020

Greetings, Senator Sasse, Senator Fischer, Representative Smith, and Governor Ricketts, and local Nebraska Unicameral Senator (addition on Jan 8, 2020)

I haven’t written to a lawmaker since we were required to do so in grade school, many moons ago. I figured to best use my time, I’d contact all of the elected officials at once who make the important decisions that affect life in Nebraska. As you can tell, it’s a long letter, but there are many issues to touch on. I’d rather do it once. :) Bear with me; I have a lot to say and feel my views are not being represented in many decisions being made. 

I doubt that you’ll actually read what I have to say, but I hope you will, as it took me several days to construct this letter, trying to put my thoughts, feelings, frustrations into written form. I expect you’ll at least get the cliff notes version from a staffer and know that one of your constituents has wishes for legislation that may be different from what your supporters like to hear. Hopefully this can guide you to make more equitable decisions that honor all of the people in Nebraska and beyond. 

I write with several things in mind: 
  1. The necessary removal of Trump from office
  2. The need for abortion to remain legal and women’s choice to be respected
  3. The need for heightened separation of Church and State
  4. Protection of LGBT people from discrimination
  5. The needed boost to minimum wage of at least $15/hr minimum
  6. The need for universal health care
  7. A move to lower the voting age to 16, automatic registration, disband the electoral college
  8. Moving military entrance age to 21 to match alcohol and cigarettes.
  9. Free college education and dismissal of student debt
  10. Free lunch for public school students 
  11. Shutdown the ICE detention centers and reunite families; disband “the wall” idea, fix immigration 
  12. Sensible gun law reform
  13. Shut down the Keystone Pipeline and focus on sustainable energy sources, green solutions
  14. Shut down for profit prisons and end capital punishment
  15. Investigation of Epstein’s death

The necessary removal of Trump from office
I believe Representative Smith voted to not impeach. The Senators are now faced with the choice of whether to remove Trump from office. I’m afraid that due to your political affiliation, you’ll vote to keep him in office. And that’s why I’m concerned. When Senator Mitch McConnell says he’s going to side with the White House, that shows how unjust the system is. There is no justice if Republicans just want to protect Trump. The role of our lawmakers is to represent the people of their state, not just their political party or career aspirations. We all lose when people continue to separate themselves into two sides. 

I wish that each of you could look at Trump truthfully and decide what kind of person he is. I cannot trust him. I would not want to be anywhere near that man, accused pedophile who never went to court (named in the same lawsuit as Jeffrey Epstein), man who refuses to pay his bills, created a fake university and scammed many people, has gone bankrupt several times, and cannot control himself when it comes to tweeting. The man who mocks people with disabilities, people who have been prisoners of war, servicemen who have died, who has talked disgustingly of women, separates families at the border and creates lasting trauma for those affected. 

There is nothing normal about that man in the highest office. It’s very clear from all of this and the transcripts of “The July Call” that this man is not conducting the affairs of the U.S. in a legal, respectable, safe, logical way. I hope that for the sake of this nation, Nebraskans, and your own standards of what kind of men your children should admire, that you vote to remove Trump from office and restore some sense of dignity to our nation. 

EDIT: I was ready to send this letter but now get to make an addition due to Trump’s terrorist attack on an international airport killing 7 people, two of which were high-ranking military officials - an act unthinkable if it were Iran’s attack on a U.S. international airport killing our high-ranking military officials. Trump acted without Congressional approval and the U.S. WILL see retaliation and deaths. There have been reports of people in the streets shouting “Death to America”. I see that Sasse’s tweets have already been quoted in the news in support of Trump. That’s unfortunate. I imagine, since support has been reported to be a party line split, that if it were a Democrat acting without Congressional approval, that would be abhorrent to you. Or do you support war in all its formats? Do you benefit from war somehow? I ask all of you to seriously consider what’s going on.

I lost sleep last night at how little thought must have gone into this. Trump acts on ego, did not consult Congress, and has potentially brought about the death of thousands of people/Americans/military in that region, as well as the possibility of strikes on U.S. soil. If we do go to war, I feel it will be without allies, as most nations find Trump to be … not normal. Any blood that rises, I attribute to Trump and his supporters. 

I do find it interesting, these past tweets that surfaced that Trump himself wrote, proclaiming that Obama would attack Iran to start a war (29 Nov 11)  “to save face” (15 Sept 13), “to show how tough he is” (28 Sep 13)  and because his “poll numbers are in tailspin” and “he is desperate” (09 Oct 12). These seem to all be reasons Trump has potentially launched us into war. Not because he really cares about servicepeople, but because he wants to distract us from the impeachment, the trial to remove him from office, and the fact that there are people more qualified to serve than he. 

In fact, it often strikes me how ill-aligned Trump is with supposed Republican values. If he is truly the best representation of your values, perhaps your values are not what you say they are. In that case, I will continue to vote against Republicans. I want a better world than you seem ready to work for. That’s a shame. I know there is common ground, but I don’t want blood on my hands from warmongers that represent my state and my country.

The need for abortion to remain legal 
NOTE: This section also received edits after the January 2, 2020 news amicus brief in which ALL Nebraska Senators and Representatives turned their backs on the reproductive rights of women with the plea to the SCOTUS to overturn Roe V Wade.
When I was age 17, half my lifetime ago, I remember realizing that I had an aunt on either side of the family that didn’t have children, that they were happy, and that I wasn’t required to become a mother. Ever since then, I’ve studied up on remaining without children and what pressures I would face, as well as the pressures that women face in considering having children. I also found a spouse who doesn’t want/need children either. Having a child is the single most important decision that I feel a woman faces in her life. All women I know are aware of this and don’t take this lightly. I know women who have had abortions, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, been sterilized, had children, had no children, or a mix of those. 

In order to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, women need to be able to be in control of their bodies, their lives, their families. It’s a human right for a woman to decide if, when, how to have children. The government needs to remain impartial and allow women to get the medical access they need. There should be no restrictions imposed by the government as it is between a woman and her medical provider. I understand that certain religions view abortion as murder, but abortion is a personal decision, not a group judgement; besides, religion is not supposed to control the government, so your religious beliefs don’t supercede mine. Outlawing abortion is just one of the ways you insult women with your laws. Women do not need unnecessary impediments such as unwanted transvaginal ultrasounds, or impossible reimplantation of ectopic pregnancies. People protesting women’s clinics are not helping women, nor are the non-medically necessary required restrictions created to make operation of clinics more difficult, such as “admitting access to a hospital within 30 miles” that are not the same for other medical fields. Threatening women and their doctors with crimes and death sentences are absurd and draconian. 

Some women WANT their pregnancies and painfully choose a late-term abortion to prevent the child from suffering in extreme circumstances. One never knows what a woman is going through. Outlawing abortion is dangerous and infringes upon our reproductive freedom. I’m disgusted that men, who will NEVER understand the experience, men who are NOT medical professionals, try to outlaw abortion. I’m disappointed in the women that prevent others from making the choice on their own. You should well know, not all people want the same thing, even if they seem to have the same situation. Just think about dinnertime … everyone is hungry, but likely wants something different. When it comes to pregnancy or reproductive desires, it is NOT one size fits all.

I’m embarrassed but not surprised that all the Nebraska Senators and Representatives asked the Supreme Court to overturn Roe V. Wade in the recent amicus brief. If you want smaller government as a Republican, you all need to step back from trying to control women’s reproductive freedoms. You would no sooner force a woman to have an abortion, so why are you insistent upon making the choice for all women to birth children? What kind of society tries to control women’s bodies? Not one I can support, that’s for sure. Handmaid’s Tale is eerily close when Republican lawmakers ignorantly continue to introduce/enact legislation that takes away women’s rights. I feel that anti-choice Republicans must hate women to continue this fight against us. A fetus is not more important that the woman who may potentially carry it. You cannot force a woman to have a pregnancy unless she consents. Should be simple. 

If people are really concerned about children, more money needs to be invested in free universal child care, universal health care to prevent high costs of doctor appointments and delivery, raising the minimum wage so that women aren’t forced to work multiple jobs and choose between feeding their children or paying rent, paid maternity leave so that women can take time off from work to welcome their children into the world and not lose their source of income, not chipping away at welfare benefits, not separating families and locking children in cages when they cross the border. These are just a few of the ideas I can come up with. 

Our society need to stop shaming women for having the children that anti-abortion people guilted/forced them into having. Unless you’re going to give each woman a quarter of a million dollars for each child she has (the average cost of raising a child to age 17), I really think Republicans need to back down from taking away the right to abortion as one of the many options a woman should have. I’m so frustrated that after all women have had to fight for, we still have men and women in the government who try to take away our bodily autonomy. 

If I sound impassioned, it’s because I am. 3000%. NOT having children is something that defines me, allows me to live the life I choose. I’m an aunt to 9, hopefully more someday. I hope that EVERY woman has the resources and support needed to make HER choice. I wish that anti-choice people would just make the choice for themselves instead of trying to impose their beliefs on this nation of diverse people. If you don’t want an abortion, don’t have one. Stop trying to control women and say you’re really just concerned about the fetus/future child. There’s no child without the woman’s consent. If it’s not your body, it’s not your decision. 

If you are looking for reading to expand your knowledge about the challenges women face and the history of reproductive politics, I recommend “Reproductive Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know by Rickie Solinger. This book has a great format, is a quick read, and simply lays out the facts. 

The need for heightened separation of Church and State
I was raised in a Catholic family with five kids total. In my 12 years of Catholic schooling, I remember having doubts and questions, and was forced to undergo Confirmation in order to graduate from 8th grade, despite voicing my concerns to the deacon about not being ready to undergo that ‘sacrament’. I am now a person who views organized religion as a means of control, community, and comfort. I see the similar threads in many religions, the searching for answers, and rules. But I also see how Christianity has taken ahold of the government in so many ways, while at the same time bemoaning some perceived persecution. If we are to have a Freedom of/from Religion, that means we need to remain as impartial and respectful of other beliefs as we can. There doesn’t need to be mention of God, call to prayer, spiritual leaders, etc in places of government. There can be a calling to mind of shared values. Lack of religious belief does not mean lack of morals or convictions. I feel more persecuted by religious people because they freely get to shout their beliefs from the rooftop, whereas I have to hide my thoughts and feelings to myself. There is definitely an imbalance in our government and communities. Every time abortion rights are stripped from women, it’s evident that religion has an inappropriate presence in our government that overshadows my rights to religious beliefs and bodily autonomy. This oversight needs to end. 

Protection of LGBT+ people from discrimination
All people are deserving of respect and equality, protection from discrimination in their daily lives, in their job, in their housing. Discrimination should not be allowed in adoption agencies, or in any avenue. Any conversion therapies must be shut down as they are harmful to the well-being of those forced to attend. It is not a psychologically sound practice. 

There are many Nebraskans who do not fit the “average”, but they need to know there is a place for them here, that they are accepted and integral parts of our community. Please remember this as you create and examine legislation. Please take the time to learn and to meet others. I’ve heard it said “Be careful who you hate, because it may be someone you love.”  

The needed boost to minimum wage of at least $15/hr minimum
Did you know that the federal minimum wage ($7.25) is only $3020 different from poverty level ($12,060)? Knowing that health insurance deductibles can be $5000, car payments and repairs, bills that come out of nowhere, you can see that a $3020 pre-tax cushion isn’t really a cushion at all. That $2700 I just coughed over for a furnace would have been that “cushion” keeping me from poverty, if I was on the brink.

So many people have to work more than one job to make ends meet. I’m currently earning a few dollars more than both federal and Nebraska minimum wage at a 40 hour/week job that has NO BENEFITS, but I cannot afford a rent/house payment. I’m so very lucky that my husband paid off his small house shortly after I moved in. But with my regular bills (not in debt, luckily), I’m not able to put aside money. With a $200 car payment each month, I’m lucky to break even. I’m eyeing taking on a second job, just to get more money. That’s not how anyone should be living. Free time is necessary for sanity. Even 40 hours of work sometimes gets to be a drag. 

From what I understand, from a ballotpedia site from 2011, Nebraska Senators make more than $2 million a year, and rank 38th in pay. It’s likely you make 158 times the federal minimum wage every hour. So it’s understandable that you don’t feel the crisis. It’s not to say your job is a regular 40 hour job and doesn’t come with its own challenges and stresses. But I ask that you put yourself in the shoes of the majority of Nebraskans, people in this country. We can’t afford much of anything because the hourly wage has not risen with the cost of gas, milk, insurance, cars, etc. The wages of CEO’s are astronomical compared to what the common worker earns. They will not pay livable wages unless they are required to do so. There are some small businesses that may need subsidies in order to make this happen, but people deserve a fair, livable wage at only 40 hours work. We deserve more than we get. I’m in my mid-30’s, have a Bachelor’s Degree and have never broken $30,000 at a full time job. Good thing I don’t want kids because I simply couldn’t afford it. 

I please ask that you sit down and figure out what kind of expenses a person in their 20s faces when trying to get a one bedroom apartment in Omaha or Lincoln. I’ve tried to live that life before and it was pretty much impossible. I had to move back in with my parents and also had to live in a studio apartment, as I couldn’t ever afford a 1 bedroom apartment. Now factor in children. It gets worse. Help us, please. Raise the minimum wage, both federal and state to at least $15/hour. Yes, all wages should rise, except for CEO’s. They can take a pay cut ;) If someone is currently at $15 or $17 an hour, yes, their wages should rise as they are likely doing difficult or dangerous work. We need to value the time and energy that people provide the companies in this country. We ARE this country.

The need for universal health care
At the beginning of 2019, I went to have a minor pain checked out in my leg. I should have known better. The real pain was that although I was told my insurance “approved” the procedure, my health insurance only covered 2% and I was left with a $1200 bill. That’s a month’s wages for someone on minimum wage.  It doesn’t help that I make a few dollars more. It made me wish that I never went to the doctor in the first place, and that’s not the way it should be. 

If you pay attention, you’ll hear stories of people dying trying to ration insulin, or of people not going to receive medical care because of the cost. That just shouldn’t be. If we live in “the greatest nation on earth” why are people dying and going bankrupt due to medical costs? Why do you allow drugmakers to set prices that are outrageous? When you compare our system to that of other developed nations, we are far behind. Insurance is a broken system - I shouldn’t have to rely on an employer and risk losing insurance if I want to change jobs. As I mentioned, I have a full time job that doesn’t have any benefits and it’s actually pretty hard to find a full time job with benefits in the rural area in which I live. We can and should do better. 

A move to lower the voting age to 16, automatic registration, disband the electoral college
Since the legal working age is 16, it makes sense that anyone working should have a say in the way their taxes are used and who represents them for those purposes. It’s important to get the youth engaged in the political system because they are the ones who will shape the world. I’ve seen some very impassioned youth and they need to be heard. I know the value of voting; as a woman, that right wasn’t always extended to me. People were imprisoned and died so I could exercise my voice. 

We should also have automatic voter registration and Election Day should be a national holiday so people can leave work and have one less roadblock. There are too many restrictions that are meant to prevent people from voting. Gerrymandering voting districts. Need for I.D. Preventing the incarcerated or previously incarcerated from voting. Voter Purge (which should be illegal). It’s all part of the shadows, meant to keep people from having a say. We also need to disband the electoral college. One Vote should be One Vote. If you want people to feel empowered, take away that which makes it shady and difficult for us to get our one and only say: who represents us.

Moving military entrance age to 21 to match alcohol and cigarettes.
Recently the legal age for cigarettes has been moved to age 21 to match that of alcohol. I approve of that because at age 18, a person’s body and decision making skills are still developing. Therefore I think that we should do away with required registration and not allow anyone under age 21 to enroll in the military. If a teenager can’t be expected to make a good decision with alcohol consumption, they shouldn’t have a gun put in their hand either. I highly recommend the book On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society” by Dave Grossman. Written by a military member, it details how the training for war has changed since our nation began. Now, killing is impersonal, with the ability to drop bombs from thousands of miles away. It’s abhorrent that we train youth to go kill, when often it’s about protecting financial interests, like oil. TRILLIONS of dollars are spent on the military and the war machine. We need to divert some of that money towards teaching conflict resolution, de-escalation skills, and general communication. Luring youth into the military with “free college” is disheartening and deceitful; If college were free across the board, youth would be able to make more informed choices. 

In general, we need to spend money on PEACE; after all, you get what you pay for! Maybe peace doesn’t seem to turn a profit the same way war does, but I’m sure the benefits are there. ;) I understand that even if we want peace and even if we are working towards it, there are humans that will do awful things and we need people ready to step in and protect us. I believe that people around age 18 are still vulnerable, still figuring out the world. My oldest nephew will be turning 21 in the summer and he’s still learning about the world. I was still learning about the world and my beliefs when I was nearing the end of my time at college. I know some people like structure, being told what to do, feeling a part of something, feeling proactive in protection, but there are more ways to integrate into society than by sending our youth into extreme situations where they end up in body bags for the price of oil. Or just as tragic, with PTSD and lack of resources when they come home. Raising the military entrance age to 21 ensures that people are pursuing it for the right reasons. 

Free college education and dismissal of student debt
The amount of student loan debt that the people of this country have prevents them from living life to the fullest. Can you imagine how much better our country could be if the brilliant minds were not restricted by the amount of money they could cough up? You’ve heard the phrase “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”. The U.S. is squandering that most valuable resource: the untapped minds of the youth. If we remove the barrier of finances for both universities and trade schools, so many more people will be able to get into fields and advance the U.S. in so many unknown ways. We can advance our country further if we emulate other countries that focus on intelligence and innovation.

Free lunch for public school students through high school
I’m unaware what the policy is currently, but I think it best if Nebraska/the country enact a law that promises to feed all children attending public schools through high school. It could and should be mandatory in private schools as well. Often times, the child’s home life is unknown and food may be scarce, especially with an unlivable minimum wage or single parent homes. Children need nourishment in order to function and grow. There is no reason that children should face shame or hunger if they are unable to pay for a meal during the school day. In order to alleviate costs, there could be a program in which food is grown on school property and students learn and are involved with the process. I’ve heard of it done in some places and know I would have relished the skill. It makes sense in a state with a strong agricultural ties that students learn about how food is grown. Other ways that schools have worked to combat poverty have included clothes washing and drying machines and food pantries for students. We need to take care of our youth. 

Shutdown the ICE detention centers and reunite families; disband “the wall” idea, fix immigration 
One of the most cruel things the U.S. has done in my lifetime is the current genocide and trauma happening in detention centers. No one can claim they are pro-life when children are being ripped from their parents’ arms and stuck in cages. They are living in terrible conditions and some are being sexually abused. The fact that some children no longer recognize their parents IF/when they are reunited… it’s horrifying. Children being “adopted” by people who don’t know them, rather than returned to their families. Children that are unaware of the situation being forced to testify in court without representation. I know you are a parent. Imagine if that was you and your children! The agony of not being there for your child because the government of another nation took them from you. 

The very fact is that these families are escaping situations that the U.S. has a direct link to: if you look at the events in Latin America in the past 30+ years, you’ll see that the U.S. had a hand in these governments and it has led to current issues. I lived/studied in a Latin American country in which the U.S. government played a large part in a government coup and thousands of people were murdered. The actions of the U.S. government have far-reaching, lasting effects.  

These families are trying to escape violence and death. They are legally seeking asylum and being treated like dogs. This is genocide, believe it or not. The effects of this trauma are lingering. I don’t know if you can imagine what it would be like, but there’s a reason that the centers are off-limits to visitors - it’s horrendous. If you truly value human life and family values, you must speak up and end this atrocious human rights violation that is happening in plain sight.

You will also recognize the hateful rhetoric that creates an “us versus them” mentality that is the foundation to propaganda and genocide: the creation of an enemy. People from other countries are not out to “get us”. Most people want the same thing: safety and opportunity, shelter, clothing, the chance to contribute to the world, to learn and grow.

It’s laughable, the idea of building a wall as a plan of defense or method of control for immigration. It’s laughable because it’s illogical and ill-conceived and impossible and unnecessary. We can use our money for better things. Or Mexico’s money, because aren’t they supposed to pay for it? :P 

There are serious issues with the current immigration/naturalization system as it is. I have a friend who has properly filled out all the paperwork for her spouse’s citizenship and the government agencies keep sending things back long after all the requirements were met, claiming it wasn’t done properly, or some other excuse. Whether you make people jump through hoops or sit in cages, there’s something about America that is appealing. Work on living up to the hype instead of trying to compete with the horrors they are trying to escape. 

Sensible gun law reform
I don’t know how many deaths it will take before lawmakers see how serious this issue is. I know people point to the Second Amendment, but the Founding Fathers had NO idea of the kind of guns that would be developed. You should be aware of the stats now, although they grow every day. According to a New York Post Article on Dec 28, 2019: “More than 210 people died this year in 41 mass slayings, making 2019 the deadliest year in massacres since at least the 1970s.” A recent article from the Latin American Herald Tribune writes “More than 38,000 people have died in the United States from the use of firearms during 2019, according to the Gun Violence Archive.”

I’m not safer because people around me have guns. It’s been proven that a gun in the home increases the chance of violence or injury, death by gunshot wound. There is violence in gun-free countries, sure, but not to the extent of what the U.S. has. It’s awful and needs to be addressed. How many schoolchildren need to die? School layouts, and backpacks and doors… all of these things have seen advancements to deal with active shooters, but lawmakers are avoiding the base of the problem: guns and who has access to them. Please fix it. We’ve all lost track of the mass shootings and that’s pathetic. 

Shut down the Keystone Pipeline and focus on sustainable energy sources, green solutions
Despite being told it’s safe, we keep seeing pipelines burst and endanger water sources, land, and wildlife. There are more sensible ways than digging into the earth and stripping it of finite resources. Solar and wind power have great advantages and are infinite. More time and energy and resources should be focused on these things, as well as ways to protect our natural resources and the balance between the world around us and our human aspirations. With free access to higher education, more people can be trained and make discoveries in how to protect our planet and combat climate change. 

Shut down for profit prisons and end capital punishment
Prisons do best when money is not the driving factor but rehabilitation of inmates is enhanced. Treating people as human beings is generally a better solution than keeping them in environments that are insulated from society and encourage them to come back since they are unprepared for life on the outside. Killing people with injections of illegal poisons, as Governor Ricketts is fond of, is not a good look for Nebraskans. If a person considers themselves pro-life for a fetus, then why does that not extend to human life that has developed beyond birth? I understand there are atrocious things that some people may have done, but killing someone doesn’t undo their crimes. And if it’s later discovered that the person did not commit the crime, it’s too late if you’ve already killed them. It’s cheaper to keep someone in prison for life than it is to bring in illegal drugs to kill them. There are some people who will rise to the occasion, given the chance to change. Some that even face life without parole have potential to do better things as well. It’s always wonderful to learn about inmates that train dogs or horses, or can otherwise contribute to society as some version of penance for their crimes. Treat people as you want them to be, and sometimes they can surprise you. 

Investigation of Epstein’s death
I’ve seen on Facebook that Senator Sasses is calling for an investigation into Epstein’s death. I do agree with you there. Knowing that Trump and Epstein were both listed on the pedophile/sex party lawsuit, it’s highly likely that Epstein had dirt on Trump and many others. Epstein was silenced. 

We shouldn’t allow for the darkness to rule and change the fates, keep justice from happening. I feel there is a dark web underneath the government’s workings. Knowing that so many lawmakers receive at least half a million dollars a year in salary, up to $4 million, not to mention the money from lobbyists and special interest groups… I can see the potential is rife for corruption. 

I hope your Nebraska and family values are enough to keep you away from that and working towards truth, transparency, fairness, and justice. As you’ve heard, what’s done in the dark comes to light.

Thank you for taking the time to read some of my concerns. I hope that even though you weren’t voted in on my side of many of these issues, that you will recognize you do represent ALL Nebraskans, varied as we are, and that my viewpoints can give you reason to reconsider your thoughts on some/all of these issues. 

Sincere Regards, 


This NINE page letter was sent to 4 lawmakers in the mail. On neon orange paper. ;) 

Yesterday, (January 8, 2020) I tried to send the letter digitally through the contact listed on their websites. I also decided to send it to my State Unicameral Senator, since they opened session trying to take away Reproductive Rights.
Here was the result of my attempts to send digitally, which leads me to believe federal representation doesn't ACTUALLY want you to reach them. Go figure. I understand that maybe only really crazy people send really long letters, but what about people who are trying to save themselves time? Unlike my Federal Senators, I don't make $2 million/year.
- Ricketts: I was able to attach the pdf of letter - supposedly went through
- Adrian Smith: Needed to have +4 on zip code in order to even GET to the contact portal. don’t think it went through - got error screen.
- Fischer: access denied error screen - bet it was length
- Sasse - length too long - go figure
- Emailed NE Unicameral District Senator - he actually just provided his email address! AND he actually wrote back the same evening.... I will be responding soon. He said as a State Senator at the Unicameral, he only makes $12,000/year. Big difference from what the federal senators make....
CONTACT YOUR LAWMAKERS!!!! Letters and calls are documented. 
https://5calls.org/ is a great site to help you make those calls important to you.