Sunday, May 17, 2020

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse's awful graduation commencement video

Context: To Ben Sasse

You have disgraced yourself, Fremont High School, the State of Nebraska and the Office of Nebraska State Senator with your absurd, nonsensical address to the graduating class. It was evident that you took little to no time to put any thought into your message and just threw out a bunch of failed attempts at humor, while insulting so many groups of people, as well as false accusations and tired rhetoric. If anything you proved that money will buy you a political seat, but it cannot buy you class, humility, intelligence, or any bit of respect. I am disgusted that you receive taxpayer money to pull stunts like this. The students and their families, all of us, deserve better than what you presented and I await your dismissal from office and your replacement with someone who represents the intelligence, thoughtfulness, and respectfulness our state deserves.

Feel free to copy my letter and send it to Sasse:

Friday, May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020 Governor Ricketts stop allowing these deaths to occur for money

Again, I write to you, Governor P. Ricketts to tell you that you are responsible for the sicknesses and deaths of every single Nebraskan, especially those connected to the meat packing plants, which you want to keep open, despite the employer's unwillingness to protect their workers AND you want to protect the employers by HIDING THE NUMBERS OF COVID-19.

I do not accept your lies, your corrupt protection of business at the expense of the people of Nebraska, and your unwillingness to do what is right. I do not accept your claim of "pro-life" because these are indeed human lives at stake. DO SOMETHING NOW TO HELP THEM.

I present to you the following post from one of your constituents, a health care worker about a family suffering from COVID-19 as a result of your carelessness and that of the owners of the meat-packing industry.

Post from the health care worker:
"I have a sweet 65yo patient that I purposely did telehealth with last month to keep her home safe. She tells me she is “behaving” and staying home. She tells me her husband, however, continues to work daily at a local meat packing plant. I half-jokingly tell her to tell him he needs to shower, sanitize his hands, and brush his teeth before he kisses her. She giggled. I finished off her visit by telling her take care and stay safe. She responds by saying she will and that she is praying for me during this pandemic.

"This week, while reviewing my incoming paperwork on patients, I see she was taken by squad for shortness of breath and fever. Her oxygen was at 68% at room air. Her chest X-ray showed pneumonia and CoViD-19 was suspected. She was to get admitted.

"Today I see she is now in the CoViD unit on a ventilator. Chest x-ray worse than prior. She was placed face down all night. Her husband apparently was just released from the ICU yesterday from CoViD infection. She is still there.

"Basically, he became infected thru his employer, the meat making plant. He brought it home to his wife. She is now fighting for her life. Alone.

"I tell you this because the meat packing plant workers are “essential” to our economy. However, it is NOT just the workers. Their spouses, their elderly parents, their children AND the whole community and soon the “more affluent” zip codes.

"I am exhausted but I will continue to press and pray for my city and my country and mankind. I pray the death toll won’t be great. I pray for all clinicians and first responders and “essential” workers. I pray for a vaccine. And I pray for my sweet patient. Take care everyone and stay safe!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Governor P. Ricketts re Crete and Grand Island

Governor P. Ricketts,

I am so very disappointed in your performance during this pandemic. Your unwillingness to trust medical experts has put all of us at danger, especially those who work in the meat-packing industry in Crete and Grand Island. Immigrants are human beings, first and foremost, in case you were unaware.

Instead of demanding that large organizations care for the physical well-being of their employees, you have shown your claim to be pro-life is a farce and is not as strong as your desire for profit for you and your friends (Test Nebraska and Nebraska Crossing).

I direct your attention to at least ONE loss suffered during this time as a result of your lack of appropriate action at Smithfield in Crete. See the attached image from Vy Mai, a resident of Nebraska who will no longer see her grandfather because you think Americans will start a riot over meat. Some Americans might, but they are the same ones who spit on nurses and take guns everywhere they go. Those white supremacist terrorists are not my version of American and they shouldn't be yours either.

I do blame you for each Nebraska death since you continue to do little but praise Trump who is unintelligent and also ignores medical experts. A man who ponders the injection of disinfectants during a live press conference is not fit to lead. You are proving the same, over and over again.

Since I know you will do nothing to stop these deaths, acknowledge facts or science, I can only express my disgust and look forward to the day you are ousted from office for a morally conscientious governor who actually intends to keep Nebraskans alive. I would love for you to prove me wrong and take strong and drastic measures to protect us during this pandemic. But I won't hold my breath.