Greetings, Governor P. Ricketts,
I am a citizen of Nebraska and want to express my great disgust and displeasure with the laws you approve or deny.
Lately you have approved LB 814 which unconstitutionally outlaws a form of abortion that is needed in some cases for late-term abortions (re: children wanted by the mother that cannot safely be born). This leads me to conclude you are anti-woman, anti-science, anti-doctor, and unfairly aligned with your religious base that wants to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. You have endangered many women with this senseless, needless, baseless, unconstitutional law.
Secondly you vetoed LB 1060 which would protect against natural hair discrimination. I read your reasoning and if you believe that hairstyles can easily be changed, you have never sat in a black hair salon. Since you are a bald white man, let me inform you, it takes an entire day and hundreds of dollars to change hairstyles. You mention the creation of a new 'race', which is an absurd idea. You also mention safety protocols around machinery as an excuse for vetoing this bill. There is a difference between safety protocols and being able to fire someone because their hair is too "black" or "unprofessional" (ie racism). If you don't care to protect your citizens from discrimination, you are showing your ignorance and how you keep the door open for racism in the state of Nebraska.
You also fail to understand basic science and that masks are a simple way Nebraskans could protect each other from a pandemic. You even want to take away financial protections for businesses that want to promote this safety measure. You are indeed anti-science and need to stop believing and protecting the ego-maniac Trump that is running this country into the ground while allowing for the deaths of hundreds of thousand due to his insane methods. For your own lack of action, I hold you responsible for every Nebraskan illness and death due to COVID-19.
Since you don't seem to care about human beings other than white, wealthy, male elites, I look forward to seeing your replaced when your term is up. If you would be so kind as to resign before then, I, and countless Nebraskans you belittle and endanger, would be so pleased.