Monday, December 28, 2020


As your constituent, I demand you vote in favor of the bill that will give covid relief to Americans in the form of $2000/month, administered to take into account all months that the pandemic has been affecting us since the previous stimulus check in April 2020. The American people, including Nebraskans, are facing a crisis that you're not financially feeling due to your uninterrupted pay and health insurance provided to you by "we the people". 

Smaller countries like New Zealand have been providing $600/person EVERY WEEK since the start of the pandemic. For the "richest" country in the world to not do the same is absolutely pathetic, disgusting, and cruel. I accept zero excuses of 'we can't pay for it' because our "defense" fund doesn't need to be more than the next 7 countries combined. The American people need defense from the economic disaster that is related to the pandemic. 

I hope that you have enough morals and ethics to provide this much needed relief to the people of this country and I await your vote in favor of $2000/person/month (including retroactively). 
