Monday, March 15, 2021

Nebraska Governor Lies about Marijuana

Context: Nebraska Governor says Marijuana will kill your kids. Same governor who wanted to bring in illegal drugs for prisoner executions. 


Greetings, Governor P. Ricketts,

You once again embarrass the state of Nebraska, this time by saying "marijuana will kill your kids". What IS guaranteed to kill kids is YOU and your pursuit to purchase illegal drugs for capital punishment, wasting taxpayer money. You claim to be pro-life, and say God is your judge, but you are quite fine with deciding to kill other human beings. 

Your hypocrisy aside, your statement about medical marijuana is baseless and an outright lie with NO data or statistics to prove it or make it even any bit credible. The fact that you say it doesn't make it true. Just as if a person said "P. Ricketts is a public servant who puts the public first" - it doesn't make it true and it is NOT true because data and facts can be brought up to disprove this. Facts like "P. Ricketts lies about the dangers of marijuana." 

A public servant should not lie.

A public servant should not make false claims.

A public servant should not be doing things in his own best interests.

In case you are unaware, marijuana is a natural plant. If you believe in God as you claim, God put that plant here with a purpose. That purpose is pain relief and many Nebraskans, especially those with terminal diseases, can use this to improve their lives, or make their last days more comfortable. It can also prevent people from developing opiate addictions. And, as an agricultural state, Nebraska could most definitely benefit from marijuana as a crop, so you are denying potential income to farmers. 

The fact that you are opposed to medical marijuana AND deny others from having access to it or making a decision for themselves is proof that you are not putting the public first. You are treating Nebraskans like they are your children who have to do as you say, instead of adults who YOU are to serve. 

I believe that you are likely responsible for the unjustified death of the Medical Marijuana petition. You denied the people of Nebraska the opportunity to decide for themselves. I don't have facts to prove this, but you know the truth.

Why are you so afraid? Are you afraid that decriminalizing marijuana would decrease the prison population? That maybe you'd have less people to dehumanize in the penal system? Or kill? Would you profit less from prisons that had less prisoners? Shouldn't we WANT prisons to have less people? To prove that we are rehabilitating people and preparing them for re-entry into society? Doesn't that indicate you don't have the public in mind, but your own profits?

All I know is that I can't trust my governor to the tell the truth. I can't trust my governor to put the people first. I again ask you to step down from public office because you prove time and again you are not a public servant that puts the public first. 

Disappointed as always, 


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