Thursday, September 2, 2021

In Response to Texas SB8 and Neb Gov P.Ricketts anti-abortion fervor

Phone call (3 Congress members) and email (state Senator) 

I'm calling/writing to urge X to support laws affirming pregnant people's right to abortion. Abortion care is healthcare, and pregnant people deserve the right to bodily autonomy. Banning abortions or restricting access, endangers the lives and well-being of women and their families, which is everyone. 

We cannot strip away constitutional rights and health care. We cannot fail our citizens like Texas has done. I fully support access to abortion and I urge X to honor their constituents and protect a woman's right to choose. This right is between a woman and her health care provider, not her elected officials, not her nosy neighbors, not strangers on the street. 

As a servant of the people, X must protect abortion access. 

Email to Governor Ricketts

Greetings, Gov. P. Ricketts,

You cannot take away women's access to abortion, which is health care, and call yourself pro-life. You need to step back from this issue. Following in Texas's footsteps is unconstitutional and unacceptable and the fact you take pride in trying disgusts me. 

Restricting access to abortion is forced birth and that is not freedom in any sense of the word. Abortion care is healthcare, and pregnant people deserve the right to bodily autonomy. Banning abortions or restricting access, endangers the lives and well-being of women and their families, which is everyone.  

We cannot strip away constitutional rights and health care so you can falsely claim you are protecting the unborn. We cannot fail our citizens like Texas has done. I fully support access to abortion and I urge you to honor your constituents and protect a woman's right to choose. This right is between a woman and her health care provider, not her elected officials, not her nosy neighbors, not strangers on the street. 

Cease your ignorant pursuits and resign for the good of Nebraskans.

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