Committee: Government, Military and Veterans Affairs
OPPOSE LB 1077 Prohibit education about race and sex introduced by Senator B. Hansen
Greetings, Senator X,
My name is X from X, District X.
I write in opposition to LB 1077, prohibiting teaching “certain concepts” about race and sex, introduced by Senator B. Hansen.
When looking at the summary of intent and then the bill itself, I’m just struck by how absurd, vague, needless, and reactionary this bill is, as well as how difficult it would be to enforce, especially because it censors free speech.
Limiting our education system to avoid talking about “race and sex” is dooming our education system. Our nation is built upon injustices and if we cannot fully discuss history with the aim of addressing it and improving the present and future, we are doomed to repeat the bad parts of history.
This bill is created by people who are unwilling to view history as it really is, and how it affects the world today. We will never advance as a nation if we are not willing to have difficult discussions, to LISTEN to the people who have been systematically disenfranchised in this country and around the world. This bill essentially tells people to “shut up” because it makes others “uncomfortable” to hear about what other people experience. That “discomfort” pales in comparison to the uncomfortable realities that are being silenced with a bill like LB 1077.
One thing that especially struck me was Section 4, 4a-b. A student couldn’t get extra credit for doing what I am doing right now… reaching out to legislators, being civic-minded and engaged in the democratic process, expecting my concerns to be of interest to elected officials who are supposed to represent me and uphold my best interests. Being engaged in the legislation of our nation SHOULD be encouraged. Trying to make the laws better SHOULD be encouraged.
LB 1077 does NOT make sense, not as it is written, nor as a concept in general. It restricts education and free speech. It is counteractive to the growth and compassion and empathy that should be happening in classrooms and in places of discussion.
Some of the most important conversations and discussions I’ve been privy to HAVE been uncomfortable truths about race and gender and I am GLAD. Learning about history in all its ugliness, listening to others who have backgrounds and experiences different from my own, being encouraged to change the world to be a better place, to be civic-minded and engaged in creating better places for EVERYONE, this has molded me to be a person who cares about others and who wants to improve life for others.
This bill is horrendously antithetical to education and is a disservice to students, educators, and the general public. Places of learning should be for learning, discussion, and improvement, NOT censorship and ignorance.
I am strongly opposed to LB 1077 and I urge the Committee and Senators to vote NO.
Thank you for your time