Background: emailed my Senator and Health and Human Services Committee prior to the Committee Hearing.
Greetings, Senator X,
My name is X in X, District X.
I write as a proponent of LB 1129, free contraceptives, introduced by Senator Morfeld.
I write as a proponent of LB 716, allowing qualified practitioners to perform abortions, introduced by Senator Hunt.
I am a film believer that women’s choice and reproductive freedoms should be protected, as it is a pinnacle part of our human rights. This includes access to contraception and abortions.
In relation to LB 1129, contraception can be expensive for some people and it is an important element to women being able to exercise some control over their daily life. Some women are not ready for children, do not want children, or need to use their resources to care for children they already have. All of these are important to our freedoms, self-determination, and reproductive rights.
Our health insurance system in our country fails to provide people the ability to meet their health care needs. There was a time in which health care covered contraception and that was a life saver to so many women, who oftentimes use contraception to address other issues outside of its common use of birth control. Unfortunately, there is a gap once again.
When the cost of contraception can be covered, women are supported. It also will help down the line to prevent unwanted/unintended pregnancies and perhaps some children cycling through poverty, dangerous situations, or CPS. Anything that can be done to help women with their health and family planning is a benefit to the community at large.
In regards to LB 716, abortion access has been under attack and there have been detrimental efforts to make this important option less accessible to women. We need to understand that abortion IS health care. Therefore, allowing a higher number of qualified practitioners to perform abortions is a benefit to expanding this health care that protects our reproductive rights. Women need MORE options, not less.
I am a proponent of both LB1129 & LB 716 and hope you will do your part to get these bills passed. Please vote yes to support women.
Thank you for your time
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