Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Letter to NE State Senator in opposition to LB 814 Prohibit dismemberment abortion

July 19, 2020

Greetings, Senator X, 

I hope you received my previous email from June 20 on a variety of stances I hope you'll take on a number of bills when it comes to the fight for black lives. Although I had a lot in there, I hope I formatted it in a way that makes it clear what I find important.

Tonight I'm asking you to oppose LB 814. Medical decisions belong to patients and their doctors. Women already face unnecessary restrictions on their bodily autonomy and politicians need to respect women's decisions about their bodies and let medical professionals advise on the course of action. As a woman who doesn't have and won't have children, issues about abortion, reproductive rights, and women's health care are of utmost importance to me. Each woman has a right to decide what she wants for her life and her body, and it's not the job of politicians or employers to impede that.

Thank you

UPDATE: another email sent
July 29, 2020

Greetings Senator X,

I have been informed that LB 814 will be debated starting today. I again encourage you to vote NO to this bill that restricts women's autonomy.  There is a line that says a woman's husband can sue for the abortion which is disgusting as it is reminiscent of the 1950s when women did not legally have autonomy over their own bodies and reduces women to property.  It is also a violation of the constitutional right that says no one can make a decision about a woman's abortion except for the woman herself. 

With this vote in opposition, we need to officially make it clear in Nebraska that a woman gets to decide her future and stop accepting legislative bills that want to restrict women's freedoms. Someone else's religious ideas do not have precedence over my freedoms and a fetus does not get more rights than the woman who may choose to carry it.

Thank you for your time.


Greetings, Senator X, 

I'm disappointed to see you voted in favor of LB 814, and encourage you to change your vote to oppose or abstain on this anti-abortion anti-choice bill and/or to oppose cloture so that there is no vote. 

Although it sounds gruesome to "dismember a child" there are many cases in which doctors recommend this form of abortion for children that were wanted but cannot safely be born. Women who have late term abortions wanted those children, but it was decided by their MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL AND THE WOMAN that it was not safe to proceed for the sake of the child. Politicians need to stop overstepping their boundaries and endangering women from receiving health care. 

Abortion is a complicated and heated issue, to be sure. I am entirely frustrated to live in a state that continues to protect the religious beliefs of certain people and disregard the lives of others (namely women) in an attempt to say that they are "protecting life". When women are forced into childbirth, her life is not protected. When a woman's options are taken away from her, her life is not protected. 

I saw a clip of Senator Clements musing about the number of children aborted in Nebraska and how they could have provided bodies for the worker shortage. While this may be an idea that appeals to anti-abortion crowd, it's absurd and faulty logic. If Nebraska cared about their residents, WHICH INCLUDES non-white, non-straight, or those that come here as immigrants, that would make moving out-of-state less likely and THAT would help immediately with the "worker shortage". A living wage would help. State health insurance would help. Addressing homelessness would help. Any number of things could help with a "worker shortage" including not seeing people as cogs in a machine to produce services or other humans

I know you are not responsible for what Senator Clements said, but I just wanted to point out how absurd that line of thinking is. That is NOT the logic that should be used in the unicameral to make decisions for the people of Nebraska. 

I know you represent an area that is probably filled with anti-choice people, but you must remember that your votes aren't supposed to appease certain sects of the population at the expense of others, but to ensure that ALL RIGHTS ARE PROTECTED. If a person doesn't want to have an abortion, no one can force them. That is law. But it is time to STOP punishing women with overzealous laws that take away their rights. 

Again, I please ask that you either abstain from a vote on LB 814 or move to oppose it so that women may have their full rights and they can decide on a course of action with their doctor without unwarranted input from politicians or anyone else.

Thank you for your time.

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