Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Nebraska Governor will allow guns at upcoming "protests" - endangers Nebraskans

Governor P. Ricketts,

I am disgusted that you continue to share baseless lies about voter and election fraud. Just because the election didn't have the result you wanted, doesn't mean there was fraud. With this continued lie, you are one of many Republicans responsible for the incitement of violence that led to reprehensible actions by Trump supporters at the Capitol and the unknown outcomes of those that will "protest" at the Nebraska Capitol. If you have not stood against him, you stand with him in his undemocratic, unconstitutional, and corrupt behavior.

Your decision to NOT prohibit guns at the upcoming "protests" is blood on your hands. Part of the reason more Capitol Police were not killed is because guns were prohibited in DC that day. Because you continue to cater to your gun-obsessed base and have ambitions that do NOT keep the well-being of every Nebraskan in mind, you open the potential for harm to the senators and employees in the Unicameral and the general public. I will hold you responsible. 

It's clear that Trump supporters have very clouded judgement, due in part to Republican lies about 'election fraud', and this includes permission to murder, commit federal crimes, and destroy federal property. For you to turn a blind eye and pretend otherwise shows your lack of decency and moral code. You are unfit to govern, serve, or protect the people of Nebraska. 

Disappointed in you as always, 

refer: https://journalstar.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/ricketts-says-he-will-not-restrict-weapons-at-state-capitol/article_d6c684e4-a694-59ed-bbc6-561d7bec0460.html 

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